Unsere Resolution in englischer Sprache
United protests against the pope’s inhumane gender and sexual politics.
In September 2011 pope Benedikt XVI is visiting Germany. As part of his visit he is delivering a speech to the German parliament. We are protesting against this. The pope represents inhumane gender and sexual politics. His politics are discriminatory and segregative.
We are turning against the pope as he is largely responsible for the oppression of lesbian, gay and transgender people worldwide. On an international level and hand-in-hand with brutal dictatorships, the Vatican is fighting to prevent human rights for lesbian, gay and transgender people. The decisions of democratically elected parliaments supporting the legal recognition of same-sex couples are dispraised as “the legalization of the evil” by Joseph Ratzinger who is calling on all catholics for resistance.
We are criticizing the defiance of women’s rights, performed by the Vatican during its ongoing fight against equality and self-determination. The reproductive and sexual rights of women are especially negated, for example, due to the pohibition of contraception and abortion.
We condemn the pope’s politics concerning sexuality and condoms. In many countries it massively inhibits effective HIV prevention, pushes individuals into heavy moral conflicts, condemns them to illness and thereby knowingly condones their deaths.
We raise our protest against the democracy-violating politics of pope Benedikt XVI who calls free society a “dictatorship of relativism”. For example he reincorporated the Society of St Pius back into the clergy, regardless of the fact that they have Holocaust deniers amongst them, decline free democracy and call for a criminal liability for same-sex relationships.
This critique is shared by many religious catholics who we invite to support our protest.
Our resistance opposes the pope’s intention to elevate his own dogma to an international governmental level.
The pope’s inhumane gender and sexual politics have to be challenged. We call on all people to join our peaceful protest in Berlin.